
Got More Than I Ever Imagined! – My Story

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Thank you so much to everyone who helped me to keep my faith up through their stories. And of course, thank you so much to Rhonda Byrne ma’am for writing such amazing books in The Secret series.

So my story goes like this: I went on a trip with my friends and I met a guy that I was attracted to a lot! We spent 3 days together and had the most amazing time. After coming back, I thought that he would get in touch with me and we would start talking but nothing happened. I tried to contact him a few times but all in vain.

So I started applying The Secret to attract a relationship with him. I wrote down all the qualities I wanted in my man. Mind you, I didn’t know anything about him since we just met on that trip. He didn’t contact me but I still didn’t lose hope.

At the same time, I rekindled with an old friend and we became really close. I never thought that he was the man I was attracting in my life. We started flirting a bit, but it was all healthy and sweet and I never imagined us being together because we were friends for a really long.

To cut a long story short, we started dating and I realized that he matched 90% of the qualities I had written down earlier!!! He is all that I wanted in a man and I was so happy that things didn’t work out with the guy I met on the trip. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Guys, the Universe really knows what you need at that time. If you don’t get what you want, it is only because there is something better for you out there. Just keep believing and you will attract the most amazing things in your life. The Universe blesses us with things we that even sometimes can not even imagine.

Treat my story as a sign. If things aren’t going your way then just believe that it is going to be better than you have ever imagined!!

Submitted by: Ans S


I am a believer. I believe that keeping faith when things aren’t going my way, is the turning point to get the things I want.

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Check This:  Universe, You Are Just Awesome, Dude! - My Story

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