
Results. – My Story

love stories primetweets (via Primetweets)


My husband and I went through a tough period that is now behind us. We were waiting for some test results and received the results at an unfortunate time period. The results played out to be the most horrific and undesirable type of results than what we had wanted.

Then the Lord and the Universe heard our cries and prayers. We were given another chance to retest and hope for another answer! And we got it! My husband’s results from the first time were not accurate, it turns out that they were a false positive! His results read and continue to be negative!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

We were so blessed, happy and so ready for this to be another closed chapter in our lives! We moved on and we are now in such a better place! We prayed, asked, and gave it all to the Universe and it never failed us! This is a sign that even if the first go around isn’t what you wanted, you have the ability to change it! Believe in yourself, and the Universe, and never doubt it. We are so happy and grateful and there is only more positivity on its way to us!

Submitted by: ARC


Happily married, wealthy, and good health for me and my family! We are thankful for The Secret and being able to manifest our desires.

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