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South African Woman Laments After Her Baby Daddy’s New Girlfriend Retouched Their Daughter’s Natural Hair Without Her Consent

South African Woman Laments After Her Baby Daddys New Girlfriend

Mother Upset After Baby Daddy’s Partner Alters Daughter’s Hair

A mother from South Africa has voiced her dissatisfaction regarding her ex-partner’s new girlfriend altering their daughter’s natural hair without her approval.

She expressed her discontent and warned of taking strict actions in response to the incident.

The mother made it clear that if her ex-partner wishes to visit their daughter, he must do so at her residence as she does not want his new partner around the child.

“I am en route to collect my child from her father’s residence as his new girlfriend decided to change the natural state of her hair without consulting me. If he wants to see our child, he can do so at my place because I do not want his new partner near our daughter,” she stated in a post.


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