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Will Wonder Woman 3 be Gal Gadot’s last solo film as Diana Prince?

will wonder woman 3 be gal gadots last solo film as diana prince

Gal Gadot’s Diana Prince first flew onto the big screen in Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, in which she was one of many major players including Ben Affleck’s Batman, Henry Cavill’s Superman, Amy Adam’s Lois Lane, Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor, and more. She then starred in her first standalone film, released in June 2017, before making an appearance in another crossover — the less-well-received Justice League movie, which launched in November 2017.

Through these films – Wonder Woman especially — the heroine has proven herself an important piece in the DCEU puzzle. So even if her own franchise ends after the rumored third flick, Wonder Woman seems too prominent a character (and Gadot too big a screen presence and box office draw) for Warner Bros. and DC Films to shut her out of the DCEU completely. Thus, it does make sense that the studios would want to keep her around for crossovers post-Wonder Woman 3, despite the rumor being yet unconfirmed.

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It certainly wouldn’t be the first time a big actor has concluded their solo films in a franchise and still stuck around for the big crossovers. As We Got This Covered points out, the third and final Iron Man film was released in 2013, but the actor behind the mask, Robert Downey Jr., appeared in every crossover event (and then some) in the Marvel Cinematic Universe since then. If history is anything to go by, Gadot’s Wonder Woman might still have a role to play in the DCEU even if she has no more standalone features beyond the third one.

will wonder woman 3 be gal gadots last solo film as diana princeWritten by: Looper


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