
Why You Shouldn’t Forgive a Cheating Partner – Pastor Femi Emmanuel Reveals

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femi emmanuel
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Pastor Femi Emmanuel, a well-known clergyman, offers guidance on marriage by suggesting that individuals should not forgive their unfaithful partners.

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In a recent sermon at Livingspring Chapel International, he advised against marrying individuals who exhibit secretive behavior with their phones and act suspiciously when receiving calls.

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Pastor Emmanuel shared examples of partners abruptly leaving the kitchen upon hearing their phone ring, in an attempt to prevent others from answering it.

He emphasized that upon uncovering a partner’s infidelity, one should not entertain their apologies as they are unlikely to reform.

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Reacting to the post;

ras_pisces101 said; “Easy sermon to always capture the gullible hearts. Tricks and tricks all days but pastor uses private Jet and build schools the congregation are not easily accessed to.”

eri_ifeoluwa__ said: “God bless pastor femi Emmanuel he’s always very truthful father”

abiritomi said: “Please as man or a woman, if you know you want to cheat while married, better just remain single and do all the exploring you want to do before marriage so as not to make someone’s child cry in that marriage. And yes, cheating is not by mistake, it’s definitely by choice cos you agreed to it!!”

sonic_gadget said: “God bless you sir! I dated one like that, always deleting his chat with different ladies and changing password,”

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