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Boy Kills Friend With Gun While Testing Bullet-Proof Charm

Boy Kills Friend With Gun While Testing Bullet-Proof Charm

 Bullet-proof charm

In what will come across as a really startling development, a JSS 2 student at Erinjinyan Community High School in Ekiti West Local Government Area has been killed.

He was reportedly shot dead by his friend.

Sources from the town told DAILY POST the tragedy happened on Monday when the two boys involved were playing with a Dane gun that belonged to the father of the suspect, who was a palace hunter.

The teenagers were allegedly testing the efficacy of a bullet-proof charm.

The suspect and his father have been arrested by officers from Aramoko Divisional Police, while the corpse of the victim has been deposited in the mortuary of an undisclosed hospital.

Efforts to get the police to confirm the incident were futile as the spokesperson of the Ekiti State Police Command, Sunday Abutu, failed to pick up his calls.


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