
Asked For A Sign And Got It In 2 Minutes. – My Story

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My daughter had gone to her dad’s for his parenting time, and when she is there she is not allowed to use her phone, so she turns it off. I had dropped her off, so I saw her dad’s car and also watched her get into the car. But for some reason later the same day, I had a horrible feeling that her dad was not in the car when she got in. I started to panic and catastrophize the whole situation. I used the skills I teach to my clients when their thoughts get out of control, but I just could not shift the feeling. I was so upset. I messaged my daughter and her dad just so I could be absolutely sure, but as my daughter is not allowed to use her phone, the message did not go through.

I was getting more and more upset. So I took some deep breaths and asked the Universe to send me a sign that my daughter was OK. Within 2 minutes I had received a message from my daughter on her phone saying goodnight and that she was OK! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

This was a miracle as she never has her phone on when she is at her dad’s place. I was so relieved and happy!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you so very much for The Secret. I knew that The Secret works, but this was the sign that I really needed! xxx

Submitted by: Donna B

Hampshire UK

I’m a mother to three wonderful daughters and I’m a Trauma Counsellor. I’ve been reading and practicing The Secret for nearly 20 years.

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