
The 8th. – My Story

love stories primetweets (via Primetweets)


My journey started last summer. I lost my ex-boyfriend who I had been together with for 8 years. He broke up with me because he was not happy and he did not love me in that way anymore. I broke down, depressed, insecure and cried ever day for almost 2 months. I started to obsessively call and text him and stalk his social media. I had all these thoughts constantly hunting me, about him being with someone else. I thought about how it would hurt me even more if I were to find out, or if he told me to leave him alone and that nothing would change between us. Well you can guess what happened next.

He did start to date a girl and he did reject me from his life. It made me feel even worse and caused me to lose more weight. At one point, I could not even look at myself in the mirror anymore. I felt my life was pointless.

Three months later I woke up and took a shower, and then sat down feeling every single waterdrop on my body. I thought about the whole situation and I felt I deserved more than feeling so depressed, lonely and not having goals in my life. After sitting in the shower for a while thinking about that, it felt like all my negative thoughts just washed away and it made me smile. My mind screamed for guidance and a path to follow.

I worked in the library and one day I started my day with returning the books to the right shelves. As I was putting back the books on the shelves, my eyes fell on The Secret. I read the description and decided to take it home. When I finally got home, I started reading it and it felt like butterflies were flying in my body. Happiness! I did not know how it felt because I was trapped in my negative thoughts and attitudes. So I started to use The Secret every day. I got my ex-boyfriend back but then I forgot about it and everything started all over again.

We struggled again for a year. I was really negative towards him and myself, causing him to break up with me again in the same period he broke up with me last summer. I stopped going to school, lost my job at the library, lost friends, and most importantly, lost  myself. I was sad and disappointed in myself again.

The 8th

I started visualizing and thinking of The Secret again. I went to my older sister that same week and started talking about the book and how I had changed myself last summer. She looked at me and said she had the book upstairs and that I could have it. I was shocked because the law of attraction was working, my thoughts were working!

I started reading it again and I started reading it differently and serious this time. I called my journey ‘The 8th”, actually it’s the 8th of August. I made a special book for my journey and wrote everything down that I wanted to happen, including me writing my own story here and inspire other people.

Well, everything that I wrote down has since happened. I finally found a my goal in life, I want to work in the army. I started attracting people that work in the army. They told me to go to the gym but I wanted a gym buddy. I attracted him to me, and now, 3 months later, I am training four days a week with him. Like I said, my thoughts said everything would happen in August and hopefully the 8th. August arrived I have already received most of my wishes from this lovely Universe. I improved my body, found a job, met new great people, and heard that my army dream is coming true in January! Today I even talked with my ex-boyfriend and he wants me back in his life for good.

Mind control is the most important thing you need to attract the things you want in life. Believe and live your life like you have already received what you asked for. Be grateful for every day and everything in your life because you will not receive more if you are not grateful for what you have. Name your journey and write it done and put it out into the Universe. Take every chance and opportunity that you  come across  because it will eventually bring you to where you want to be.

I want to say thank you so very much to Rhonda. Thank you so very much to the whole team behind The Secret, The Magic and Hero! Those books changed me so much! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

And good luck to all of you!

Submitted by: Rachelle M.

The Netherlands

A girl who is following a journey named the 8th.

Powered by The Secret


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