Wonder Woman brings her golden lasso into the Eighties in the first trailer for Wonder Woman 1984, the sequel to the DC superhero’s 2017 movie. The preview debuted Sunday at the CCXP in Sao Paolo, Brazil.
The sequel keeps its mysterious plot under wraps, instead focusing on Gal Gadot’s Diana Prince fighting baddies in a shopping mall, the White House, and in the desert as New Order’s classic “Blue Monday” pulses throughout.
The trailer also introduces Kristen Wiig’s Barbara Minvera character – although it doesn’t show her in the guise of her villain Cheetah – as well as Pedro Pascal’s evangelistic Maxwell Lord. Chris Pine’s Steve Trevor, who was killed in the World War I-set Wonder Woman, somehow also reappears in the Eighties un-aged from the previous film.
“In the first movie, we got to establish the story of Diana becoming Wonder Woman,” Gadot told the audience at CCXP. “In this movie, we’re going to find Diana in 1984. She’s quite lonely. She lost all of her friends over the years, and she’s doing what she needs to do. She’s doing her calling. She’s helping mankind and saving them — until something crazy is about to happen to her.”
The Patty Jenkins-directed Wonder Wonder 1984 opens June 5th, 2020.
Featured via: Rollingstone